
Building a virtual clinic for allergies, asthma and eczema


The new site had a 25% increase in time-on-site and 12% increase in conversions. Curex has since adjusted their business model and offering.

The challenge

I began working with Curex at the concept stage in order to develop both their marketing site and clinical product. I started by helping them think through the entire workflow, including the user journey and backoffice functions.

The challenge

Site map

I created a site map illustrating both components of the project.

Site map


We worked through the key user flows at the wireframe level, including a symptom questionnaire.



Once a user had completed an allergy test, they could purchase a personalized treatment plan.


Visual design concepts

I used the output of a photoshoot and branding exercise to begin developing a friendly and appealing visual design.

Visual design concepts

Mobile-first approach

I completed the initial set of designs targeting mobile devices, then scaled up.

Mobile-first approach

User-friendly questionnaire

I helped simplify and streamline the clinical questionnaire to make it quick and easy to complete on a phone.

User-friendly questionnaire


I’m based in New York City.

Feel free to reach out for project consultations, career advice, and general networking.

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All works copyright Michael Meikson or their respective owners.