Booker by Mindbody

Transforming the checkout experience at spas and salons


Users responded positively to the new UI, reporting faster checkouts and less confusion during the workday. The new design also forms the basis of Booker's updated mobile app.

The challenge

Booker's users, front desk workers at spas and salons, had to launch the POS (Point-of-Sale system) in a new browser tab every time they took payment from a customer. This was the result of technical requirements from Booker's new payment processor, but I felt this was a significant usability issue.

The challenge

High-level proposed solution

I suggested we embed the POS as a floating side panel above the main calendar view. This had the advantage of keeping users in their existing context during the busy workday.

High-level proposed solution

Visualizing the new experience

Booker's POS is a complex system encompassing a wide range of use cases. I began the work of translating the existing POS functionality to the new form factor, as well as incorporating new requirements as they came in.

Visualizing the new experience

Starting an order

With an overall emphasis on speed and ease of use, I designed a number of workflows, starting with the basic case of beginning a new order from scratch.

Starting an order

Adding items

Booker's customers offered a range of products and services, as well as more complex items such as series, gift cards, and memberships.

Adding items

Taking payment

Many of Booker's customers used a Clover terminal to accept payment cards; I designed a tight integration for this process.

Taking payment

Post-order activities

The system had to support detailed receipts, refunding and voiding orders, and, critically for a service business, tip adjustments.

Post-order activities

Unique workflows

Booker's vertical focus on spas and salons enabled them to address unique use cases such as multiple gift certificates and post-order price adjustments.

Unique workflows

I designed over 75 unique interfaces to illustrate the many scenarios supported by the POS.


I’m based in New York City.

Feel free to reach out for project consultations, career advice, and general networking.

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All works copyright Michael Meikson or their respective owners.