American Express

Helping salespeople onboard new corporate clients




Lead Designer


Internal tool

The challenge

Salespeople were frustrated with their existing client data capture tool, a lengthy application form embedded within Salesforce. Also, Risk and Compliance were concerned that the legacy tool did not meet current standards and practices.

The challenge

High-level journey maps

Data capture was only the first step of the onboarding process, followed by credit decisioning and fulfillment.

High-level journey maps

Decisioning logic diagram

Decisioning itself was a complex process with a number of possible pathways.

Decisioning logic diagram

Site map

Working from the logic and existing requirements, I developed a site map showing the necessary interfaces.

Site map

Detailed journey map

As new team members joined the project, I found it useful to develop a more detailed journey map to keep everyone aligned.

Detailed journey map

The design

Working within Amex's design system, I created a minimalist experience focused on ease of use for the sales team. I emphasized usability and findability so users could focus on their clients.

The design

Compliance and Risk requirements

A number of new requirements were added by Risk and Compliance, including inline disclosures and new required fields.

Compliance and Risk requirements

Decision scenarios

We considered over a dozen potential decision scenarios; several examples are shown here.

Decision scenarios


This end-to-end workflow is under development and is expected to drive a 15% lift in completed applications. Amex is evaluating whether to offer it directly to prospective clients as a self-serve option.


I’m based in New York City.

Feel free to reach out for project consultations, career advice, and general networking.

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All works copyright Michael Meikson or their respective owners.